[:de]Füße hochlegen, die ruhige Zeit genießen, Family wiedersehen und: stauen! Ja, 2015 ist tatsächlich schon fast vorbei. Was ich in den vergangenden Monaten erleben konnte und vor allem alle (neuen) Freunde, die ich überall auf der Erde gefunden habe übersteigen jede sinnvolle Vorstellungskraft.
Daher an dieser Stelle einfach nochmal Danke! Und fröhliche Weihnachten euch allen! 🙂
[:en]Looking back at the past months, I can’t say much else than WOW!
Well, and a thousand thanks! 2015 was easily one of the most intense years I’ve seen so far. I have been incredibly lucky to meet so many new friends and to see and endless number of amazing places around the globe. Though all this feels sooo far away already, every so often flashbacks of big or small moments pop into my head as if to remind myself: Yeah, that really happened 😀
Just as I am enjoying the holidays with some quiet family time, I hope that all of you have a wonderful time right now! Sit back, relax and let’s see what 2016 will bring! 🙂
Er steht halt ziemlich grade! trotz des bewegten Jahres.